PUBLICATION: Towards the Applicability of NAO Robot for Children with Autism in Pakistan

Methods: Literature Review, prototype building, App development, user testing
Project For: Research work at Human Computer Interaction and Social Experience lab at LUMS
Collaborators: Anam Tahir, Muneeb Ahmad
Project Date: Spring 2017


In this paper, we present a HRI study that reports on the potential of NAO as a socially assistive robot in Pakistan. Our findings generated through interviewing 2 parents and 5 teachers on the plausibility of using NAO robot as an interaction partner show that both groups welcomed the use of NAO at schools. They, however, were skeptical due to missing NAO’s facial expressions and certain body parts such as nose and lips. They also emphasized the importance of creating natural text to speech interface for the Urdu Language. Our findings taken from 7 autistic children to measure their level of social interaction during HRI revealed that children positively engaged with the NAO robot and showed a significant number of both verbal and non-verbal behaviors.

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